Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SCUBA duba doo!

I apologize for the incredibly cheesy title.. I was trying to come up with a good pirate joke for you, but you got this. 

Our next port was Roatan, Honduras.  This island’s history is what inspired the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  Its where the real Port Royal is, but I didn’t see that… I saw fish! 

I have always wanted to scuba dive.  I loved the idea of really being down there with the sea creatures and being able to stay down there for a while.  I’ve snorkeled a lot and done snuba (where you have the regulator in your mouth but its connected to the tanks that are floating on top of the water) but I was ready for the next step!  How hard could it be, right?  WRONG!

We rode in a van over to the Anthony Key Resort (a destination dive resort) where we went to a classroom to learn how to dive.  After our Canadian instructor sped through the instructions they put us on the boat and took us to a shallow patch of water next to the dolphins to test our skills.  That is when we got our dive leader, Joe from Mississippi.  He was a bit easier to understand.  Before you know it we were in the water getting ready to dive!  To be completely honest, I didn’t have any problems.  I thought the whole thing was a fantastic experience!  I didn’t have any problems equalizing or controlling my breathing while down there (thanks synchro!).  My parents were a different story.  There had a really hard time equalizing so their ears hurt the whole time.  They are just now starting to hear normally again.  Despite their issues, we were able to see a bunch of extremely colorful coral, lots of conch shells, some star fish, and a HUGE eel!   HUGE!!

I loved it!  I know that mama and daddy won’t be diving again, but I’m seriously considering getting certified!

Dinner that night.
(I'm putting this one on because Daddy deserves it..)

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