Friday, February 3, 2012

What I Made: The Christmas Edition

Remember that epic WIMM I promised with all of the things that I made for Christmas?  Well here it is y'all!  It might be February and it might not be a Monday, but regardless, y'all should be excited!
Of course there are a few things that I forgot to take pictures of, but I remembered most of them.  Below each picture is a link to the tutorial/inspiration that I used (though I did modify bits here and there).  So without further ado...

some of Bennet's presents
Inspiration from SanctusStitches esty shop

Little additions to some gifts
Bird tutorial from Stephanie Lynn.  Packaging designed by me!  
(If you're interested let me know and I might put together a little tutorial for the packaging)

Koozies for Daddy, D'Daddy, Clay, and Uncle Barrett
I did the tutorial for these a while back!

I made two of these wreaths for Memommy and Aunt Nancy.
Inspiration from Two Junk Chix

A tiled map of Germany for Daddy.  
Each time I've been to Europe, Daddy has put up a map in the living room and documented where all I have been.  Since this map was going to be up for a while, for Mama's sake, I thought he needed one that was actually somewhat pretty.
I didn't think to take pictures of the steps, but again, if you're interested let me know and I can put together a tutorial (though it will be sans photos).

Some ornaments for the iron tree I got Mama and Daddy.  
Inspiration from BowerPower

Mine and Bennet's present for his Mama and Daddy.  
While we were still in Texas (and it was warm outside) I painted the canvas red and taped off the word family then let him go to town.  
Then I peeled off the tape and stuck it in a frame!  This is really a 'what Bennet made'.  
Inspiration from Baby Blackbird

Mama's wreath (and the bane of my existence for about a week)
Tutorial from Stephanie Lynn

A sign for Mama and Daddy.
Tutorial from The Handmade Home

This one wasn't a gift per say, but Daddy saw it on Pinterest and I thought that it would be easy enough to make so I cranked it out once I got home!

I also made a different wreath for Mrs. Kathy (which I forgot to take a picture of) and I made some Scrabble tile coasters for Aunt Judy (which I also forgot to take pictures of).  

And that, my friends, is how you do Christmas on a budget!
Granted the frames cost a bit, but they were 50% off at Hobby Lobby, so even those were pretty reasonable!  I did use the pipe insulation trick (which I can't seem to find the link for at the moment) for all the wreaths and it worked like a charm.  I used brown packing paper from the dollar store to wrap most of them, and then used some twine I had as ribbon.  I made the gift tags from the dictionary that I used for the birds and the rolled flower wreath which I got at Goodwill for $1.  

brown paper packages tied up with string
My rule... It's okay to be cheap when you can still make it classy. 
Luckily, my family was extremely understanding of the fact that I no longer earn a big girl paycheck, so they at least acted like my handmade Christmas presents were acceptable.  
Thank you family!